Patient Charter
NHS Constitution
The NHS is there for us from the moment we are born. It takes care of us and our family members when we need it most.The NHS Constitution has been created to protect the NHS and make sure it will always do the things it was set up to do in 1948 – to provide high-quality healthcare that’s free and for everyone. For more information visit
The practice is fully computerised, and all current data is stored electronically. We retain the old paper records as it is not possible to transfer all data. All information concerning you and held by the practice will be treated with the strictest confidentiality. All staff, both clinical and non-clinical must have access to this information in order to perform their duties, and are bound by the same rules of confidentiality as the doctors. As part of NHS developments, your notes will in time be accessible by other NHS authorities (again bound by the same rules of confidentiality). You may have access to your medical records, and we suggest that if you wish to do so, please discuss the matter with your usual doctor.
You will be treated with courtesy and respect at all times. We do not discriminate on grounds of race, gender, age, religion, medical condition, sexual orientation, social class or occupation, either when patients apply to join the practice or in our treatment of them. Although we recognise that patients may on occasions be anxious or upset, we will not tolerate any abusive or aggressive behaviour towards the doctors or any of our staff, and any patient behaving in such a way will be removed from our list.
Freedom of Information
We are required by the NHS Freedom of Information Act 2000 to provide a Publication Scheme. This is a guide to the “classes” of information routinely made available to the public. Details of the Scheme are available from our Practice Manager.